Sport and back pain: let’s delve into the topic
Clearly practising sport is always good for our health. But sometimes it is necessary to take precautions, because doing sport is good for you, but… yes, sometimes it is better to move with caution. There are sports and sports. And there are times when we must not overload our bodies. With back pain, for example, some sports are best avoided, while others are particularly suitable.
Which sport is best suited to your needs?
Before understanding the type of sport that is best for you, it is a good idea to understand the origin of your back pain. And in this regard, always remember that only a specialised doctor can give you the correct indications. Do not draw conclusions on your own or through ‘hearsay’. It can only do more damage.
In most cases, when we experience back pain, it is of idiopathic origin. What does this mean? It means that it is almost impossible to trace back to a specific cause because back pain is caused by a very complex set of factors among which the main ones are: bad posture (very frequent, especially for those who do sedentary work), muscle weakness, obesity. And also the age factor: we are not eternally young.
Clearly, in some cases tracing the causes of back pain is possible. For example when we are faced with scoliosis problems (who hasn’t heard of scoliosis) or discopathy.
Sport? Always be careful
Playing sports may not always be good for us, especially if for a large part of the year – due to lack of time, or lack of desire – we do nothing. Remembering a few weeks before the summer, for example, that we want to get back into shape, is not an appropriate idea, because we suddenly subject our body to excessive stress for a short time. It is precisely in these cases (be it the summer dress rehearsal or something else) that practising sport can cause annoying back pain.
Which sports can we do to feel better?

The first step is that of moderation, of regaining fitness without haste and getting help in this phase (if possible also afterwards) from an expert, an athletic trainer. Let’s now look at the pros and cons of some of the workouts you can do: walking, swimming, running, yoga…
We have already talked about this in another article, highlighting the benefits of walking in relation to back pain. Today we add a few more tips. If we decide to take the time to walk a little (a very good decision) we must also do it well. Definitely start by choosing comfortable shoes and, if possible, walking in areas where the surface is even (to avoid stumbling and injuries). Walk at a good pace and try to relax your shoulder muscles, keeping your back straight.
We hear it often: swimming is one of the most recommended sports for people with back problems. And it is true, but even in this case we advise you to consult your doctor before diving into the pool, because with some problems there are styles again that are best avoided. One example above all is for those suffering from lumbar hyperlordosis: in this case it is better to avoid swimming in the ‘breaststroke’ style.
Yoga, and not only
Practising yoga, but also activities such as Pilates, is very good for our back health. A lot of work is done on counteracting muscle tension and posture, as well as strengthening the muscles. After all, the first step for the well-being of our backs is to have elastic and toned muscles at the same time.
Which sports are best not practised
Clearly, when suffering from back pain it is best to avoid practising certain sports. Not that they are to be condemned in absolute terms, but they can contribute to exacerbating problems already present. We are talking about running, for example, but also cycling, as we saw in a recent article. Another discipline to avoid is weightlifting. These are all activities that put pressure on the lumbosacral area, which is particularly affected by loads coming from above and below.