Causes of back pain in the morning

In the last article, we saw that very often rest does not help our back pain. Today we try to understand in more detail what causes it.It is right to remember that there are many structures in the back that work together to support the body: vertebrae, intervertebral discs, joints and muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves. Obviously, the occurrence of …

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Lumbar scoliosis, symptoms and treatment pathway

Let’s take a look at what lumbar scoliosis is, what the most prominent symptoms are, and how to arrive at a diagnosis and the subsequent treatment phase. Lumbar scoliosis is a complex lateral deviation of the spine, with associated rotation of the vertebrae in the lumbar region, and most frequently manifests as a convex left. The course of treatment can …

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Spine 3D on TV2000 in the programme “Il mio medico”.

The novelty of the Spine3d technology is involving an increasing number of medical specialists, and has even attracted the attention of the specialised media. On 24 February, a new episode of the programme “Il mio medico” (TV2000 broadcaster) aired live, and viewers were able to appreciate the effectiveness of the instrumentation that was created not only to help specialists in …

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Smartphones: more and more back problems

How much time do kids spend with their eyes glued to a mobile phone or tablet? What does this mean for their backs? Normal worries for an apprehensive mother, but nowadays they are also echoed by specialists in the field, who are sounding the alarm for children’s health. Recent sources (ISTAT data) confirm that over 300,000 young people (up to …

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Back pain in children

It is not always easy to understand the signals children send us. Back pain should always alarm a parent, but sometimes the child may not show signs of pain, and sometimes the parent may dismiss it as a tantrum. In the long run, back pain can have several unpleasant effects, such as sleep (and behavior) problems and difficulty finding concentration …

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Scoliosis: what it is and how to deal with it

Scoliosis is one of the main concerns of parents of adolescents during puberty and often too little is done to take the necessary precautions, also due to the need (no longer a need) for constant X-ray checks. In a recent study on adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, it was found that constant non-invasive monitoring and adequate physiotherapy can solve some problems quite …

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