Snow and injuries: prevention is possible
Snow is finally arriving, even in those areas where it has been a bit delayed, thanks to a decidedly warm December. But now winter sports enthusiasts can really start giving vent to their passion. Be careful, though, because sport and fun are often also associated with injuries and pain. Let’s take a brief look at what risks we can run during this period, especially in the snow, and how we can take care of our health thanks to the non-invasive technology of Spine 3d.
Spine 3d on Archysport
The international magazine Archysport also spoke about this (about snow and related risks, and above all also about our Spine 3d device), in an interesting article with the collaboration of Dr. Massimiliano Febbi. In this period, the risks of certain injuries increase, especially to muscles, bones and even joints.
Snow and injuries

The main reason is undoubtedly falls, from skis as well as snowboards, but also falls due to skating or simple falls. What kind of injury can we expect during a skiing holiday? The possible injuries are many and, as we have said, are mainly muscular in nature, but can also involve joints or bone fractures. Certainly, as Dr Febbi points out, maintaining good physical and athletic fitness throughout the year helps us to avoid many problems, so the advice is always to take care of ourselves all year round and not only regret it when something unpleasant happens. Good physical fitness helps us in many circumstances.
After an injury

Of course, we cannot always avoid the worst, and it happens frequently that we return from holiday with some (hopefully always minor) aches and pains. However, in many cases it will be necessary to call on the expertise of specialists for rehabilitation therapies. Before moving on to the rehabilitation phase, however, it is necessary to make a correct and rapid diagnosis, so that the best recovery path can be implemented. And it is precisely in this regard that the focus shifts to the Spine 3d device (Sensor Medica), a new generation device (LiDAR technology) capable of monitoring the health of our back, plantar support and the distribution of loads on the lower limbs.
However, Spine 3D is not only useful to help the specialist when recovering from an injury. The data that is processed can be used to plan an injury prevention programme, just as we said before. If we pay the right attention to our health throughout the year (especially now that there is a safe and non-invasive tool) we will reap major benefits. Our well-being comes first.