Causes of back pain in the morning
- admin
- November 2, 2023
- Causes, Cervical Pain, Posture, Scoliosis
- Causes, Infiammatory, Sleeping
In the last article, we saw that very often rest does not help our back pain. Today we try to understand in more detail what causes it.
It is right to remember that there are many structures in the back that work together to support the body: vertebrae, intervertebral discs, joints and muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves. Obviously, the occurrence of a problem in any one of these structures is reflected in our back, often causing annoying pain.
What causes can be behind back pain
There are three main causes that can lead to back pain: mechanical problems, degenerative conditions and inflammatory situations. Let’s take a closer look in detail.
What do we mean when we talk about mechanical problems? Very often we refer to an injury to the back muscles (a contracture, a stretch or, in the worst case scenario, a muscle tear). The cause may be over-exertion or prolonged maintenance of an incorrect posture. But by mechanical problems we can also refer to a sprain, an injury to the ligaments that support our spine. In this case too, the cause is to be found in incorrect movements (in sport, above all) or in lifting excessive weight. It is not uncommon to find ourselves faced with vertebrae fractures or spondylolisthesis (technically the slipping of one vertebra over the other), as a result of trauma. And let’s not forget the possibility of a herniated disc, which causes pain when the nucleus leaks out and compresses adjacent nerve roots.
On the other hand, we speak of degenerative conditions when we are dealing with, among other things, arthrosis of the spinal column or degeneration of the intervertebral disc as a result of wear and tear (the classic problems of advancing age). This category also includes the problem of spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal column that puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves.
Lastly, let’s see which causes we place under the category of inflammatory conditions. Here we mainly include seronegative spondyloarthritis, which involves synovial fluid in joint cavities and entheses (the junctions of a tendon or ligament to a bone).

In some cases, back pain cannot be attributed to a cause that is directly related to it. One example of all is kidney problems. All these are considerations that must be worked out by a doctor and cannot be left to chance. If there is recurring back pain that does not go away, the advice is always to consult a specialist. After all, today, thanks to the non-invasive Spine 3D technology, a check-up can be carried out in complete safety.
Many of these problems are exacerbated in the morning, right after resting, as we have already seen. Recently, many studies have pointed out that there is a close correlation between sleep quality and back pain. It is a vicious circle, because on the one hand, pain can compromise the quality of sleep (which could increase certain problems, including low back pain) and on the other hand, in the morning, after a long period of inactivity, getting back up again could accentuate all the inflammatory problems.