
Snow and injuries: prevention is possible

Snow is finally arriving, even in those areas where it has been a bit delayed, thanks to a decidedly warm December. But now winter sports enthusiasts can really start giving vent to their passion. Be careful, though, because sport and fun are often also associated with injuries and pain. Let’s take a brief look at what risks we can run …

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Cervical Radiculopathy and Cervicobrachialgy

In the last article we started to talk to you about cervicobrachialgy, what it is, what the symptoms are, what the causes may be. Today we continue to delve into the subject, going to see how cervical radiculopathy can affect it and, above all, what it depends on. Cervical Radiculopathy Let’s start by clarifying terminology. What do we mean, without …

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Cervicobrachialgy: what it is and how to recognise its symptoms.

In this and the next articles, we will take a closer look at what cervicobrachialgy is, what causes it, its symptoms, related issues and what we can do about it. When we talk about cervicobrachialgy, we are referring to a medical condition characterised by pain in the neck, shoulder and upper limbs, the cause of which is very often neurological, …

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Back pain and cycling

Just a few days ago, an important study, which you can find on the pages of Sensor Medica, investigated the relationship between back pain and cycling, demonstrating how posture (constrained in some way by the instrument, the bicycle, handlebars, saddle, etc.) influences the curvature of the spinal column, creating pain especially in the lumbar region. Obviously, pain during and after …

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Causes of back pain in the morning

In the last article, we saw that very often rest does not help our back pain. Today we try to understand in more detail what causes it.It is right to remember that there are many structures in the back that work together to support the body: vertebrae, intervertebral discs, joints and muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves. Obviously, the occurrence of …

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Waking up with back pain: here’s what you need to know

It is well known: sleep is essential for both mental and physical recovery. In spite of this, there are people who go to bed without feeling any discomfort, but who, when they wake up, experience symptoms in the spinal column. Then there are all those people who already suffer from back pain and who experience a worsening of symptoms in …

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Pain in the upper and middle back

Very often we find ourselves ‘enduring’ pain that we should instead be analysing together with a specialist. Pain in the upper and middle back is very common. Let’s try to understand what it depends on and what we can do to alleviate it.The thoracic spine is the longest section of the spinal column, with twelve thoracic vertebrae. It is the …

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Acute lumbago: symptoms and causes

Acute lumbago is almost always caused (nine times out of ten) by muscle strains and contractures. Injuries that can occur either by practising sport or by performing daily activities, activities that involve lifting weights or continuous rotational movements of the trunk. Actually, sedentariness (and therefore lack of training) can also be the cause of frequent back pain. But there can …

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Summer and back pain

Pain is very often associated with winter, with cold. But this is not always the case. Very often it is during the warmer times of the year that certain pains are accentuated. Even back pain. It is no coincidence that low back pain increases precisely in the summer. The causes, of course, are many, but they can all be traced …

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